Division for the History of Science and Technology (IUHPST)

2019 DHST Dissertation Prize

2019 DHST Dissertation Prize Laureates

Sandra Elena Guevara Flores, “The sociocultural construction of Cocoliztli in the epidemic of 1545 to 1548 in New Spain,” [La construcción sociocultural del cocoliztli en la epidemia de 1545 a 1548 en la Nueva España] (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2017. Director: Dr. José Pardo Tomás; Tutor: Dr. Jorge Molero Mesa).

Marcin Krasnodębski, “The Pine Institute and Resin Chemistry in Aquitaine (1900-1970),” [L’Institut du Pin et la Chimie des Résines en Aquitaine (1900-1970)] (University of Bordeaux, 16 November 2016. Director: Pascal Duris).

Emily Margaret Kern, “Out of Asia: a global history of the scientific search for the origins of humankind, 1800-1965,” (Princeton University, April 2018. Directors: Erika Lorraine Milam and Michael Gordin).

Read the HSS online interview with the laureates
Honorable mentions

Shira Dina Shmuely, “The bureaucracy of empathy: vivisection and the question of animal pain in Britain, 1876-1912,” (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 9 August 2017. Director: Harriet Ritvo).

Jonas van der Straeten, “Transmitting Development: Global Networks and Local Grids in the Electrification of East Africa, 1906-1970,” (Darmstadt University of Technology, 27 April 2017. Director: Mikael Hård).