Brad BOLMANN. “The Voyage of the Scientific Beagle: Dogs in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences.” (Harvard University, USA, directors: Peter L. Galison and David S. Jones)
Jolien GIJBELS. “The Perils of Birth: Obstetrics, Religion and Medical Ethics in Belgium, (ca. 1830-1914)” (KU Leuven, Belgium, director: Kaat Wils. Co-directors: Michèle Goyens and Joris Vandendriessche).
Eric Moses GUREVITCH, “Everyday sciences in southwest India.” (University of Chicago, USA, directors: Adrian Johns and Whitney Cox).
Kathryn MAXSON JONES. “That rose from the sea to astound us”: Aquatic biology, neurons, and the transformation of neurobiology, 1891-1952,” (Princeton University, USA, director: Angela Creager)
Brigitte STENHOUSE. “Mary Somerville: Being and Becoming a Mathematician.” (The Open University, UK, director: June Barrow-Green).
Ginevra SANTIVALE. “Technopolitical Resonance. Emotions, computers and socialism in Cold War Italy (1965-1990).” (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands, director: A. Guagnini)
Katherine ARNOLD, “German Natural History Collectors in Southern Africa, 1815-1867.” (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, director: David Motadel).
Beans VELOCCI. “Binary Logic: Race, Expertise, and the Persistence of Uncertainty in American Sex Research.” (Yale University, USA, directosr: Joanne Meyerowitz and Joanna Radin).