Announcement of new HST journal
New Journal of the Russian National Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (RNCHPST)
RNCHPST is an ordinary member of IUHPST/DHST. Since 2022, RNCHPST has been organizing biannual conferences, and in December 2023 it launched a quarterly research journal, edited by the S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHST RAS). This journal invites submissions for ordinary issues and thematic issues. Are considered for publication research manuscripts in history, philosophy, sociology of science and technology. Also are considered for publication scholarly editions of source texts in history of science and technology. Acceptable languages for manuscripts are Russian, English, and French. Bibliographic information is provided in both Russian and English. All submissions undergo double-blind peer review. There are no fees for submission or publication. All publications receive a digital object identifier (DOI) and are freely available in open access. The journal welcomes new authors and readers. More details at